The bothersome condition known as "lazy eye," which often forces suffers to wear eye patches, may be helped by an alternative therapy: acupuncture. The condition is formally known as amblyopia, and it is primarily characterized by poor vision in one eye. A new study has suggested that acupuncture may be effective in treating the condition.
When acupuncture was administered by certified practicioners, it resulted in an improvement for kids which as equal to that seen from the standard treatment option of wearing an eye patch for a period each day. The eye patch is placed over the sufferer's normal eye, which helps to exercise the muscles of the lazy eye.
The study showed improvement was made by both groups – the group that used the eye patches, as well as the group that had acupuncture.
Acupuncture is used for a wide variety of problems and disorders, and there now appears reason to hope that it may be an effective alternative therapy for treating lazy eye as well, which is among the most common problems of children, and a disorder which nearly 5% of the population of the world suffers from.
Source: MSNBC
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